TrEnvy Australia featured on

Thursday, 11 April 2013

TrEnvy Australia CEO TeePs, studies interior design.

I start a year ago with The Interior Design Institute of Australia based in NSW but a correspondence course, as I live on the Goldie (Gold Coast) Queensland, Australia.
Now when I first decide to part take in the Interior Design Industry, having already a background in Fashion Design, I thought I knew or had some crazy assumption that it would be very similar, boy how wrong could I have been. I now have a great admiration for all interior designers. Designers in all aspects of the world too, for that fact. 
I love that it has bought me a new sense of purpose, although I am yet to finish my Diploma, I have had a 98% rating on all my assignments thus far. Now I understand I cannot call myself and interior designer, especially till I have had my first paying job, but I am ready..... Ready to colour, create and excite the world or those who are willing to take me on as their designer, and I am always willing to learn. There in lies the key, I think the way the world is today it's time to reflect the past and the present for the future.
I am excited by the fact that history is always ever present in this fast paced and technologically advanced world we live in. Most, I'm sure take it for granted, but with a design eye..and you know who you are, find the intrigue, love and lust for the history in all things design. Whether it be architecture, art, design, antiques, hell, almost everything that we place or surround ourselves in breathes a certain history. I hope and wish more people could look through the world of design and realise just how much learning there is to do. I am blessed to have that gene and keen eye, as I am sure most that do are. I have 1 more assignment to go before I complete my Diploma and look forward to new and exciting challenges. 
Below are a few of my latest assignments, if you thought Interior design courses weren't for you, this may just open you world to a new and exciting career change.

My one point perspective assignment, with sunken lounge, this is something I want to bring into the future of designs, a lost design from the 60's & 70's. Marks received were 10/10.
My mood board for the large lounge room I designed..I wanted a fresh, warm and inviting Mid Century look with new contemporary feel. Marks received were 10/10.