TrEnvy Australia featured on

Thursday, 9 February 2012

New products at TrEnvy Australia

New TrEnvy Products that excite the senses...
a little showcase for those who need a little Electic in their lives!

TrEnvy mosaic/patchwork stone Mask Sculpture...

Our latest TrEnvy Large Red Lantern..perfect for Valentines Day.

Simple to create a unique look in any home...

Original TrEnvamped Apollo Retro Table lamp..

Apple Match..the unique way to light candles..

Our resident Wine decanter Dudley...he's waiting for a new home..please adopt him.

Retro Aqua and white serving bowl...perfect for nibbles or fill with shells and starfish..

Our beautiful TrEnvy Crystal bag bowl...simply stunning.

Our personally designed TrEnvy Designer Male/Female Zodiac Glass Bowls..real entertaining bowls.

Our TrEnvy Deco Ceramic Tea Set..unique and very individual.

Our Deco Designed and TrEnvamped of a can play Snow White everyday..

Our TrEnvy Designer RockOut Glass bowl...totally Rocks!

TrEnvy LED Shoelaces...bring the Disco to your life...

All these amazing TrEnvy products are available via our website,

Keep Smi)ing....we are....TrEnvy xo